Barbara Lynn Pedersen is a partner in the firm’s Trusts & Estates Department. She focuses on all aspects of estate planning and estate and trust administration, including counseling individuals with respect to sophisticated and straightforward estate plans, probate avoidance, business succession, wealth preservation, estate and gift tax planning and the creation and administration of all types of trusts and charitable entities. She represents both individuals and families of moderate to substantial wealth.
She handles both contested and uncontested estate and trust matters. In addition, Barbara represents individuals and corporate fiduciaries in their capacities as executors and trustees and advises not-for-profit organizations and their leadership with respect to their fiduciary obligations.
Barbara has developed specific experience in planning for members of the lesbian, gay and transgender communities and their families.
She endeavors to work collaboratively with her clients’ accountants, investment advisers, insurance professionals and other advisers and to promote a collegial approach to planning for the futures of her clients and their families.
Barbara frequently lectures on topics related to estate planning, estate and trust administration, gift and estate taxation and charitable planning. Some of the many organizations and banking institutions for which Barbara has been a guest lecturer include the 92nd Street Y, the New York Chapter of Lambda Legal, the Philanthropic Planning Group of Greater New York, the Women in the Arts and Media Coalition, Inc., the New York State Bar Association, UBS, Credit Suisse, BNY Mellon, N.A., Merrill Lynch, Citibank Women & Company, Barclays International and Morgan Stanley.
Barbara has been selected as a New York Metro Super Lawyer and a New York Metro-Top Woman Super Lawyer each year since 2014.
Recent Publications & Presentations
Estate Planning Seminar, sponsored by the 92nd Street Y, April 2019
Essential Tips for Life Planning, sponsored by Lambda Legal, October 2018
Progressive Estate Planning to Share in a Just Future, sponsored by the North Star Fund, May 2016
Women of Kent: A Smart Life Planning Discussion for Savvy Women, sponsored by Kent School, October 2015
A Life Planning Seminar: The Working Woman’s Guide to Protecting Wealth, sponsored by BNY Mellon Women’s Initiative Network, May 2014
Trust and Estate Planning Basics for Foreclosure Advocates, sponsored by Legal Services NYC, May 2014
Take the Power: A Life Planning Symposium for the LGBT Community, sponsored by Lambda Legal and Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, October 2013
The Essentials of Retirement Planning, sponsored by Credit Suisse, September 2013
MBA Training Seminar – LGBT Issues, sponsored by Credit Suisse, August 2013
Marriage! Civil Union! Domestic Partnership! Single! Now What? Protecting Yourself, Your Loved Ones and Your Relationships, sponsored by Lambda Legal, May 2012